to … is to be human
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autogenerated image display
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DARPA's Heilmeier Catechism
George H. Heilmeier, a former DARPA director (1975-1977), crafted a set of questions known as the “Heilmeier Catechism” to help Agency officials think through and evaluate proposed research programs.
What are you trying to do? Articulate your objectives using absolutely no jargon. How is it done today, and what are the limits of current practice? What is new in your approach and why do you think it will be successful?…
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default security responses
Dear Submitter,
We would like to thank you for the efforts you made in reporting this issue, but we’re afraid we can’t honor this as a valid bug-report.
The kind of bug you’re reporting is a:
content injection attack XSS attack ‘missing features’ thingy (HSTS, X-XSS, DKIM, SPF, etc) set header because browser X is crappy and doing stupid, insecure things (X-Content-Type-Options,etc) report I think you should do X advisory valid bug Behavior that is there for a real purpose information disclosure report valid bug if it was exploitable on our platform Theoretical behavior that’s not exploitable in the real world (TM) Disclosure of info that might be used during the reconnaissance stage The reason for not honoring the bug is that:…
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SSH Tunneling via DNS DNS-tunneling via dns2tcp kan een manier van toegang tot een shell server zijn als je bijvoorbeeld achter een zeer strikt ingestelde firewall zit, die zowel poort 22 als poort 443 (waarop de shell server ook bereikbaar is) blokkeert. Probeer dus altijd eerst of je ‘normaal’ ssh toegang kunt krijgen via poort 22 of 443, voordat je het onderstaande ‘paardemiddel’ inzet voor ssh toegang.
Om dns2tcp te gebruiken die je eerst de dns2tcp client te installeren.…
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Drawbacks of smartphones
Drawbacks of smart-phones Planned obsolidence (no more updates after N years). All the time fighting with pre-installed apps and applications that always want to do the wrong thing Short battery life. There is always “range ancienty” with a smartphone. Smartphones do everything ok, except calling. Smartphone prevent you from seeing and interacting with the outside world. always distractions and notifications. They are expensive. No more almost daily updating of apps on your phone.…
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Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns
text mirror of:
Stevey’s Blog Rants
Random whining and stuff.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns
They've a temper, some of them—particularly verbs: they're the proudest—adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs—however, I can manage the whole lot of them! Impenetrability! That's what I say! — Humpty Dumpty Hello, world! Today we’re going to hear the story of Evil King Java and his quest for worldwide verb stamp-outage.…
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faq Q> Why isn’t there any mention of “Monkey Butler” in the FAQ? A> Why would there be any mention of “Monkey Butler” in the FAQ? (Hat-tip to…
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How to get things done?
a simple and effective Yellow note TODO system
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How to write code?
How to write code? Or: things I would have loved to have heard 20 years ago.
Start with your data-model. Make sure you define all data you need, what the types are, and how they are related.
If possible allow some flexibility, for instance by allowing key => value strings to extend the properties a entity can have.
In case of doubt, use SQLite for data-storage. Try to only use SQL that can also be used for MySQL, MS-SQL, PgSQL, etc.…
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My toaster
My toaster
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Pen and Paper games
Pen and paper games
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phoenix questions
The Phoenix questions checklist
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readline shortcuts
readline shortcuts
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Rob Pike's 5 Rules of Programming
Rob Pike's 5 Rules of Programming
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Slashdot spamsolutions
Slashdot spamsolutions
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The Cattle mutilations wave of 1973-1980
The Cattle mutilations wave of 1973-1980
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The Cult of Done Manifesto
The Cult of Done Manifesto
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The four keys that could unlock procrastination
unlock procrastination
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The Narcassist's Prayer
The Narcassist's Prayer
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