
Posted on Jan 1, 0001


deNISTng, deNISTing and digital archiving tools.

Spiderweb, a Postfix policy deamon to catch spamruns.

nmap_wrapper Some nmap wrappers, and a nmap outout filter/formatter.

perlbal-extra-plugins, some old perlbal loadbalancer plugins.

a2b, a binary to ascii printable filter, and reverse.

milter archiver, a Postfix / sendmail milter deamon for transparant/legal/LI archiving.

imapdeliver, deliver application to replace a procmail that can deliver new mail to any imap-server.

txt2mbox, a tiny deliver that can append mail to a mbox file, for use in cron scripts on systems where a MTA would be overkill.

music_organiser, a collection of small scripts and configs to play and get music.

some small programs such as multee, desktop2mp3, a2b/b2a, desktop2mp3, desktop2mpeg4, uniqname.

webcat, a small webserver that is made to be invoked with a programmable backend and/or for simple markdown content.

smtpcat, a small smtpserver that is made to be invoked with a programmable backend and/or for simple markdown content.

2log, a logging / syslog deamon for readonly systems.

mNSCD, a NSCD made to work on read-only systems

ckit, a cmdline app that acts as a passwd manager, manages encrypted volumes and does backups and restores.

do_sql, a mysql protocol compatible database server that allows data from different sources to be joined.

x2y, system to convert from any format to any other format.

getconf, support program to get and set config variables.

pop2imap, a POP3server that works with any IMAP-server to provide backwards compatibilty.

imap2sql, IMAPserver that works with a MySQL-server backend.

tortalk, a simple demo/setup for a tor onion chat system that is not interceptable.

dnscat, a small authoritive dns-server that is made to be invoked with a programmable backend.

mail paulv (pgp) if you feel the urgent need to do so.