The Cattle mutilations wave of 1973-1980

Posted on Jan 1, 0001

The Cattle mutilations wave of 1973-1980

is of course not done by aliens with laser, but in almost all cases by the farmers themselfs.

The clues leading up to this simple conclusion are:

  • The cases happen one after the other, not all at the same time
  • They are infectius .. the cases add up and spread from one area to another
  • The farmers are reluctant to draw attention to it, but jump on board once its attributed to aliens
  • Specific parts of the animals are removed, thus removing the evidence
  • In almost all cases the blood is drained from the animal, and when blood samples are found, they “Did not clot after several days”

Culling of infected animals by farmers

The parts removed in animals are often associated with specific diseases. For several reasons farmers might decide to cull the animal themselves, instead of calling a veterinarian who would be obligated to report the case to the local veterinary authorities.

Foot-and-mouth disease has clear symptoms which show on the mouth, tongue and lips. The blisters and colorisation on the mouth, hoofs and udders would be recognised by any veterinarian, which provides a strong motive to remove those parts. In others cases part of the legs were removed, which could indicate a Blackleg (disease) infection.

Local culling would also explain why cases often appear as cluster outbreaks in specific areas, instead of being randomly distributed in a country.

In fact the local Kansas police claimed as much:

“On December 22, the Kansas Brand Commissioner’s office determined that most of the deaths and removal of sex organs were the result of natural causes including predation, “shipping fever” and blackleg. Modlin and others vocally disagreed with these conclusion and denied that local ranchers would mutilate dead animals for insurance money, calling them “honest and respectable”.”

The fact that somebody else then says that it completely impossible that local rachers would scam insurancers because they are ‘good people’, does not hold much virtue.

Why culling an cow in the field?

Have you ever tried to lift a cow? They are not easy to pick up. Some might have also been to sick to move.

How to cull an animal?

  • You might give it a tranqualiser + anti-coagulant first and then drain the blood in a bucket.

“This investigation reported finding evidence that some mutilated animals had been tranquilized and treated with an anti-coagulant prior to their mutilation. "

“Valdez reported one drug, Chlorpromazine (Thorazine), was used to tranquilize and immobilize the animal, while a second, unnamed drug was used to “clog the blood and remove it through the jugular vein.””

  • Instead of cutting the whole cow up, you just remove the incriminating parts.
  • You might afterward inject formaldehyde, to prevent consumption by scavengers, who could spread the disease.

“mutilated cattle were found to have traces of sedatives and formaldehyde, and their carcasses were avoided by scavengers”